Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shrove Tuesday

On the eve of Lent, I wanted to share a link to my friend Dreena's blog. She somehow manages to keep up multiple blogs, all of which are wonderful, including ones about her adoption and weight loss journeys. Today I'm linking to her Catholic blog. Her words were just right for me as I embark on this season. I was especially struck by this:

"There is something in we humans that longs to be tested and stretched. There is a longing inside of me to know the breadth of my willingness; power is borne in letting go of control."

Please visit here Bright Catholic to read the rest of the article.

Happy Shrove Tuesday! Be open to metamorphoses and the miracles!


Sarah at SmallWorld said...

"Be open to metamorphoses and the miracles!" Love that!

Knights' Mama said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm lucky to have inspiring and eloquent friends.