1) I'm still blindsided by aching for my mama sometimes, even though months have passed. I had a mini-meltdown the other day when I went to a training, on time and everything, but a week early:) When I arrived home in completely irrational tears, undone by my mistake, I punctuated my tantrum with "and I miss my mom!" And Lyman, being his completely wonderful and understanding self, said "Of course you do. She's who would call right now.": He was so right. And so I was gently soothed reading these two posts this week, one about a mother lost, and one from someone embracing her mother through the aging process:
"Losing A Mom Soon After Becoming One" and
"Tea, Cribbage, Popcorn and My Beautiful Mother"
2) I'm currently taking a women's studies course on international women. Readings for it have aroused my interest in this book, The Enemy: What Every American Should Know About Imperialism and this documentary, Half the Sky.
3) On a lighter note, I made this pie today for our 3rd Annual Pie Auction and Social at St. James, in support of the Peace through Pie movement, and indulged in my friend Linda's amazing Lemon Sponge pie, choosing not to track the calories on SparkPeople.
4) Finally, I found this photo from The Sartorialist beautiful and inspiring: Such grace.

Have a wonderful week! Look and ponder.