1) TED talks. I feel like I'm a latecomer to this party. Or maybe it just all seemed too hip in the past. Or maybe it's not the best medium for someone like me that's primarily a visual learner. (I had to listen to one of the talks I watched for class this week 4 times to be able to remember and clearly articulate the message. God bless the pause button on Lyman's Ipad.
Specifically as I contemplate the acquisition of my first smartphone, I was glad I watched this talk:
"Demand a Fair Trade Cell Phone"
I have a student from the DRC, and he tells me this aspect of the violence there is just not known or highlighted enough.
I also liked this one:
"How I Harnessed the Wind"
Pretty much you'd probably learn something from any in the "Africa: The Next Chapter" theme.
2) Watching the TED talks reminded me of these two thought provoking films I saw as part of a class on Families and Poverty last year:
The End of Poverty website http://www.theendofpoverty.com/
"Leasing the Rain" Frontline's program on the impact of privatization of water rights in Bolivia
3) Okay from a couple of weeks ago, but too good not to share. Scientific research through online games and puzzles. Fold It came across my radar when we saw part of this Nova Science Now episode at our local yogurt shop.
4) Good cause meets fashion meets local. Open Arms. Good stuff And Mona, featured in the ad below, is a former student of mine!

I've started off my Advent season indulging in the latest Louise Penny book, The Beautiful Mystery. If you're a mystery book fan, and haven't read her before, I highly recommend starting with the first Inspector Gamache book, Still Life, and working your way through them all.
Happy 1st day of Advent! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
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