Monday, November 14, 2011


favorite breakfast, lazy day of reading, "Real Steel" in IMAX 3D with dad and brothers, sushi for dinner, nerf swords and a new weather clock for presents - nine might be all right


Patti said...

Is he really nine already? And can that teenager really be taller than his dad? The years are zooming. And of course happy "birth" day to YOU Knights' Mama!

Dreena M. Tischler said...

Okay Mama, now that they're both a year older, you gotta update your profile! Where was that cool floor? Bob Bullock? It doesn't look familiar! (And now you know I'm a week behind reading blogs!) <3

Knights' Mama said...

All right, Dreena, I updated. Even though I officially have 2 more days till I'm the mother of a 14-year-old! And the floor is at Bob Bullock. Isn't it amazing!